Santo Domingo de Los Colorados Airport general information :
Santo Domingo de Los Colorados Airport is categorized as a small airport in our listing because of its 3668 runway. The airport is located in Ecuador, in the Pichincha Province‘s region and more specially in the municipality of Santo Domingo de Los Colorades.
Santo Domingo de Los Colorados Airport’s website (if available) | Santo Domingo de Los Colorados Airport’s Wiki (if available) |

Santo Domingo de Los Colorados Airport GPS coordinates:
Santo Domingo de Los Colorados Airport can be located with the following GPS coordinates:
Latitude | Longitude |
-0.24822199344635 | -79.2144012451171 |

Santo Domingo de Los Colorados Airport elevation:
Santo Domingo de Los Colorados Airport has the following elevation above sea level:
Elevation (ft) | 1714 |

Santo Domingo de Los Colorados Airport runways:
Here are the data available for Santo Domingo de Los Colorados Airport’s runway:
Runway length (ft) | Runway width (ft) | Runway type | Runway light |
3668 | 82 | asphalt | not lighted |

Santo Domingo de Los Colorados Airport’s radio frequency:
Here is the radio frequency available for pilots that want to contact Santo Domingo de Los Colorados Airport:
Radio type | Radio description | Radio frequency (mHz) |
#N/A | #N/A | #N/A |
For your information, we use the following abbreviation for the different type of radio frequency: TWR” (tower), “ATF” or “CTAF” (common traffic frequency), “GND” (ground control), “RMP” (ramp control), “ATIS” (automated weather), “RCO” (remote radio outlet), “ARR” (arrivals), “DEP” (departures), “UNICOM” (monitored ground station), and “RDO” (a flight-service station)

What is Santo Domingo de Los Colorados Airport’s code?
Here are the different airport codes in our database for Santo Domingo de Los Colorados Airport:
GPS Code | IATA Code | Local Code |
The IATA code is the airport code which is the most popular around the world. This code is always available for larger airports but might not exist for smaller airports. The local code or the GPS Code are usually the preferred solution for Smaller airfields or heliport. As a reminder, Santo Domingo de Los Colorados Airport is categorized as a small airport in our database.

Other airports near Santo Domingo de Los Colorados Airport:
fly-P2P is a flight search engine that allows you to find the best itinerary comparing up to 5 nearby airports from a given address. Our tool will help you to find the commercial, private and shared flights at / Santo Domingo de Los Colorados Airport but also to compare those flights with the ones from the 5 closest airports in Pichincha Province.

Santo Domingo de Los Colorados Airport flights
There aren’t any commercial flights available at Santo Domingo de Los Colorados Airport. Private jet flights and shared private jet flights are another possibility with rates that will depend on the popularity and the distance to your final destination (in Ecuador or elsewhere).
Fly-P2P allows pilots, operators and owners to post their flights on our search engine. What it means is that you might be able to find a seat available in a private jet for a very competitive price from Santo Domingo de Los Colorados Airport.

Santo Domingo de Los Colorados Airport destinations
As mentioned above, there are private flights, shared private flights available at Santo Domingo de Los Colorados Airport. There aren’t any commercial flight available. Several destinations (international & domestic in Ecuador) are then available from Santo Domingo de Los Colorados Airport and the best way to find it out is to check our search engine.
We will allow you to compare different flight itineraries from Santo Domingo de Los Colorados Airport but also other nearby airports in the Pichincha Province’s region. Furthermore, our search engine will find all commercial, private and shared private flights available.

Santo Domingo de Los Colorados Airport’s hotels:
Finding a good hotel in the Pichincha Province’s region can be a challenging task. Feel free to use the map bellow to navigate the hotel selection around Santo Domingo de Los Colorados Airport. You can always check the usual providers as well such as Booking, Expedia, Airbnb,..

Santo Domingo de Los Colorados Airport’s rental car:
Probably the solution to find a rental car at Santo Domingo de Los Colorados Airport is to use a dedicated service provider. Fly-P2P doesn’t provide car rental service but we can definitely point you in the right direction. Many known websites will help you to compare rates between different providers such as Expedia, booking,… Feel free to check them on your own or you can directly search from the widget bellow as well.

Santo Domingo de Los Colorados Airport’s taxi & transportation
We recommend you to use Uber, Lyft or KiwiTaxi in order to organise your transportation arriving or departing from/to Santo Domingo de Los Colorados Airport. Feel free to use the widget bellow if you wish to be directly redirected to service providers in the Pichincha Province’s region.